Saturday, April 9, 2011

Still no sun

Nom-nom's blankie is done! That was a really quick project. Of course I need to weave in ends - but only the beginning and end because I used the Russian Join throughout the project. Although I wasn't thrilled with the results. It started off looking nice until I knit with that strand and then ends would poke through. I kinda wish I'd used a different method, but it's too late now. :) We shall see what it's like when I wash it. I do hope it doesn't just fall apart!

Also, despite the YO, K2tog edging, it's still curling, I hope that takes care of itself after washing it, too.

Also also, I got chocolate on it. *gasp*

Since it's going to a pregnant lady and I'm not sure how sensitive her nose has gotten, I shall wait until it's a nice day, wash it and air it outside, wait 'til it's dry and package it up outside and ship it off with the instructions that someone else wash it in her favourite detergent before letting her have it.

I remember how sensitive my nose was and I don't want these ladies to dislike something they should adore. :)

Next up: The other Sausalito Sock and I need to get some yarn for the Starghan.

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