Wednesday, June 29, 2011

So, I wanted to sell patterns

but apparently I need a PA tax license thingy. sigh. I hate filling out forms! Writing that pattern was hard enough! And yes, it's a cute hat, but is anybody really gonna buy it? OK, one person bought it. But am I really going to make anything to sustain a tax number? sheesh.

Maybe I can use it for Etsy and try and sell the finished hats. and things.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

design elements

So, I want the top of this cloche hat to just sort of close up, not swirl the decreases one way or the other. And I decided to do paired decreases right next to each other. Well, I love hoe K2tog looks and want to totally mirror that. It's not happening because I'm not decreasing every round. And so I tried slipping a stitch on the knit round. That gives the left leaning decrease line a nicely linear look, however, it looks different than the line of K2tog next to it. You can see the left line has longer stitches.

This annoys me.

So, there will be more ripping out of the hat in a bit, but I'm trying something first.

Nope, that didn't work either. I guess it will just have to be K2tog decreases.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

more hats!

I see designs in my head and have this ridiculous notion that I can make it come out my fingers and into the yarn and bingo, there's the thing I saw in my head.

Some designs do make it out and mostly look like how I imagined, but they've never made it out on the first go. I'm not sure why I think I can just start in on something and it'll come out right.

The new hat design has... issues. I *think* short rows will fix them. But, I have to try it out on some experimenting yarn first. I think I rather like the Japanese short rows tutorial from nonaknits.

And so I'm experimenting. gotta remember to write down the things that work.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I have lots more ideas stuck in my head, but I'm determined to finish up this kimono cardi first! I may even wear it to NYC, despite the high temps. 'cos, well, it's cotton, so it wouldn't be much heavier than a t-shirt, right? Maybe I can find some khaki pants or a skirt.

I managed to get the Flapper Swag cloche, plus the bow, out of two skeins of Tahki Cotton (but I needed 3 skeins of the Merino 5) I know they're different fibres, but there's supposedly less yardage on the cotton skeins, so, go figure.

Since I have a skein of cotton leftover I'm going to try to modify it to a baby size and use some funky new ribbon yarn for the swag parts and the bow. I have at least two other ideas lurking in there, but the green yarn is giving me a different gauge in the round, so I'll need to knit a bit more and get a proper gauge swatch.

I had a button idea for the Ella Rae hat, but it just didn't suit me. I plan on looking for something in NYC. The colours are very moody though and I wish I had chosen a different colour.

Trawling Rav for baby hat and bonnet patterns and finishing up the sleeve on the kimono cardi. I did actually finish the whole thing and decided I didn't like how the colours striped on one sleeve, but it won't take long to finish that.