Monday, January 29, 2007

The Strangely Lumpy, Oddly Bumpy Felted Tea Bag

This started out as a different design and eventually morphed into this:

I could see the bumps, but thought perhaps felted would take care of that.

It didn't. Instead it seemed to enhance the bumpiness.

You can see this especially from the top view:

But, well, it is roomy! :) I think it needs some sort of closure at the top, but I'm not sure what that will be.

Originally it was inspired by the mitre squares from my son's blanket. I rather liked the V shape of a half-finished mitre square, but didn't like pointy bit at the bottom. So I though perhaps I could knit extra sections. I still may try that, just for the halibut, I can get another skein of wool using the AC Moore coupons.

Friday, January 26, 2007

it be friday...

and it was another $80 for another teeny bottle of eye drops. that aren't working either. I've now spent almost $250 on eye drops and office visits, not even counting the future bill bomb for whatever the deductible will be, and I still have a red eye!

I had to pitch my lenses and now I don't have enough money to buy new ones.

Anyway. Knitting things! I finished the heart/cable design, only took me three ripouts and graph changes! :) this is a sucky picture, maybe I'll do a better one soon.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

yet another brilliant design idea

The felted purse got rearranged so many times! It's finally almost ready to chuck in the washing machine - just have to I-cord the last of the yarn for the straps. And remember to take pictures!

And yesterday I had another brilliant idea that has gone through three graph changes and to rip-outs already. I suppose I should have taken a picture of the last attempt, but it's too late now! :)

It will be a 6-7 inch block with a cabled heart. I think this last design will work out. I wasn't taking the extra stitches into account and it threw off the graph, which is why it got ripped out. Also, it was a wee bit too long/big.

I promise pictures soon.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

actual postitude

Astonishing, I can actually log in and post something! Been trying all week it seems. Of course, I've been having phone line problems as well, so just when I get into something I'll get disconnected.

I'm working on a new design for a felted purse. It's changed several times already and gotten half ripped out once. And it's due for ripping out again, I don't like the top bit. But it'll only be an inch or two.

My vision is wonky again. My eye is still very red and it's been burny and itchy since Friday. I can't see the doc 'til Tuesday. He told me last week if it didn't clear up he'd give me some stronger drops. I do hope those work and that it's not yet another $80 for this medication!

Will post pics of the new bag soon.

Sunday, January 7, 2007


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Friday, January 5, 2007

More pictures

The Tea Bag: pre-felting:

and post felting...

She seemed to like it when she unwrapped it.

I have an idear for a new felted purse - a lightly different design. I tried dyeing the wool in coffee and was underwhelmed with the results. I think I'll re-do it with tea.

I'm going to dye my hair tonight and hope that this thing in my eye goes away!


So, If I ever figure out how to integrate this blog with my flickr account... it keeps asking for my user name and password and then telling me that the info I typed in is wrong. uh? So, maybe this will work:

Close-up of Devlin's blanket:

If you compare the blues you'll see why I changed them. This blue, Cobalt, is much more subtle and flows better with the brightness of the greens and the tones in Corinthian - the multi-colour with the Candy Apple Red.

Needle size: 13
Pattern: Mitre squares, Cast on 57 stitches
Finished squares: 13 inches square
Yarn used: 1 skein each Lionbrand Homespun

Candy Apple Red
Delft Blue
Spring Green
Florida Keys Green

Not entirely sure how long it took me to complete. 2 months? I did it in between other projects. The nice thing is, I can add to it when he gets bigger or if I just feel like it. 'Twould be interesting to add orange and yellow to it.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

it be thursday

Thanks everyone, I just read your comments!

I prefer my mobius scarf to hats, 'cos I can wrap that around my head and then my neck. That keeps me warmer.

My darling hubby gave me a hair cut. It's vaguely Scully-ish, from about season 7 of the X Files, but my hair is much more unruly. A woman in walmart today exclaimed that I "have gorgeous hair" so, yay Goldwell! :)

I'm still working on pulling in all the ends on Dev's blanket. Will finish it tonight whilst watching telly. Ugly Betty has been a fun new show. It's nothing fabulous, but it's at least not some Law and Order spinoff or CSI Boise. I do wish Boston Legal would come back with new eps soon.

I tried coffee dyeing some wool. The effect is... not as good as I'd anticipated. I much prefer tea. So I'll prolly re-dye these skeins. I also have a new purse design floating in my brain, so that's the next project.

I do have some pictures to upload. Probably tomorrow. of the "Tea Bag" pre-felted and felted and Dev's blanket.