Tuesday, August 9, 2011

some things right, other things wrong

OK, so, Japanese short rows are the answer to my wonky angle problem BUT I did the math wrong, so, I have to rip out both sleeves to the cast off bit and start them over. Paying attention to how I do the short rows. I should get clips or at least try it with some bobby pins or something.

I almost had to knit it out first to catch on to my mistakes, so I'm not terribly upset at having to rip it out. Because I'm determined to make this a proper, size-able pattern and not just something that I I fling on and say I winged it.

And I had to pencil it out on the graph - I hate graphing it out! It won't need a graphed pattern for the final version, but I need to graph it out so I can check the math. *sigh*

Anyway. Even though I do have to rip it out I'm not going to to do that just yet, I want to take it to the yarn shop.

I am not going to take this project on vacation with me. I want more portable things like hats and probably that giant skein of cotton/rayon. I can put .pdf files on my Nook, so I can pop the patterns on there for the trip.

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