Thursday, August 11, 2011

links I like

Yay! I found it!

I like this way of picking up sock gusset stitches. It is extremely fiddly, but it does create a nice edge. Whenever I pick up edge stitches I always get holes or long stitches and it bugs me.

I tried to explain this method to a fellow sock knitter at the yarn shop and couldn't quite remember how to do it. I also couldn't remember much about the video, except that it was a guy knitting the sock, he was Australian and I think he made the video to help his sister knit socks. I knew I found it on a thread on Ravelry, but it was months ago, possibly over winter, and I had very little hope of remembering which thread it was. So, I searched Ravelry discussions, but didn't find it and ended up searching youtube for 'how to pick up heel gusset stitches' and there it was!

Now I just have to get back into the habit of knitting socks!

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