Friday, May 6, 2011

Designs, again

The kimono was fixed, somewhat, by adding an icord strap that I just wove in some of the yarnover holes created by the pattern, to keep it closed across the bust. I added an old key that I used to wear as a necklace with the icord threaded through it.

Also working the sleeves for the starflower shrug. I wore it yesterday and once again everyone said they loved it and asked how to do it. When I originally did it I had a vague idea, knitted it up, it didn't quite turn out how I wanted, but it got cobbled together and I figured I'd be the only one wearing it, so it didn't matter.

I think I should find that knitting graph paper where you can type in your stitch gauge and it prints out squares to fit that gauge - print out lots of them and tape it all together, then I can do the math and draw it on the graph paper. Because the shape I want is really weird.

Tomorrow is the MD Sheep and Wool Festival!

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