Sunday, March 13, 2011

(almost) The Ides of March

I really need to finish the Second Blue Sock, but Sock Ennui has set in. I happily knitted around, doing the ankle gusset decreases until they were all done and bam. Sock Boredom. Because I seem to enter some weird Twilight Zone where no matter how many rows I knit, it's merely five inches from the heel. Knit some more. Five inches.

Eventually I get to 7.5 and do the toe decreases, but I need to download a new book or something to entertain me. I am re-watching the last few Doctor Who eps, so that could entertain me for a while, but I really do need to decide on a new book.

Next sock will be with new yarn from Crystal Palace: Sausalito. Love the colours and it's very soft and squishy. It's one of those funky yarns where one ply is a certain colour and the other ply is a different colour and both of them shift. It creates a lovely marled effect and I've already cast on a sock because the Blue Sock is boring. :)

However, I will finish that sock, hopefully today, because I want to cast on the Stinky Green Yarn and work on it a bit before taking it to the Knitting Retreat this weekend *yay*

The pattern as written in the book is a wee bit confusing, possibly because the picture for the pattern is on the previous page? I'm not sure. I perused so many patterns before settling on two possibles: Vine Lace Zigzag or Mermaid's Mesh. It was the description in Mermaid's Mesh that finally chose for me: That 'worked in glittering metallic yarn' it would look great. I'm using Blue Heron Metallic in Granny Smith Apple greens.

I am still really tempted by Vine Lac Zigzag though, but perhaps that'd be best in a different yarn. It might be a lovely possibility for some Ella Rae fingering yarn.

OK, one more pattern to try: Checkerboard Mesh.

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