Thursday, January 4, 2007

it be thursday

Thanks everyone, I just read your comments!

I prefer my mobius scarf to hats, 'cos I can wrap that around my head and then my neck. That keeps me warmer.

My darling hubby gave me a hair cut. It's vaguely Scully-ish, from about season 7 of the X Files, but my hair is much more unruly. A woman in walmart today exclaimed that I "have gorgeous hair" so, yay Goldwell! :)

I'm still working on pulling in all the ends on Dev's blanket. Will finish it tonight whilst watching telly. Ugly Betty has been a fun new show. It's nothing fabulous, but it's at least not some Law and Order spinoff or CSI Boise. I do wish Boston Legal would come back with new eps soon.

I tried coffee dyeing some wool. The effect is... not as good as I'd anticipated. I much prefer tea. So I'll prolly re-dye these skeins. I also have a new purse design floating in my brain, so that's the next project.

I do have some pictures to upload. Probably tomorrow. of the "Tea Bag" pre-felted and felted and Dev's blanket.

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