Monday, January 29, 2007

The Strangely Lumpy, Oddly Bumpy Felted Tea Bag

This started out as a different design and eventually morphed into this:

I could see the bumps, but thought perhaps felted would take care of that.

It didn't. Instead it seemed to enhance the bumpiness.

You can see this especially from the top view:

But, well, it is roomy! :) I think it needs some sort of closure at the top, but I'm not sure what that will be.

Originally it was inspired by the mitre squares from my son's blanket. I rather liked the V shape of a half-finished mitre square, but didn't like pointy bit at the bottom. So I though perhaps I could knit extra sections. I still may try that, just for the halibut, I can get another skein of wool using the AC Moore coupons.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.