Tuesday, November 28, 2006

it be Tuesday...

and there's nothing really thrilling going on. Devlin went back to school today, I went back to bed this morning - had some very odd dreams, got up at the crack of noon and meandered my way through my two favourite sites: Next Exit and the Neil Gaiman board. It's how I wake up.

I'm re-reading Small Gods for what is possibly the 254th time. I do so love this book. Lucky Brits get to watch an adaptation of Hogfather in December. I hope it's released on DVD sometime soon.

Short review by one of the World's End boardies who won tickets to the premiere: that it was great, but they only got to see the first half. They have to wait for the second half. And they got to see Terry Pratchett!

I'm extremely jealous of course.

Many years ago I wrote a very short story about Christmas and how trying it can be and the twist was that as time went by and everyone kept saying Christmas should be all year 'round, that's what happened and there was one day when we could all just relax and take a break - December 25th! Don't you wish this day came all year 'round?

I know I wrote it... but d'ya think I could find it? Of course not. I can't seem to re-write it either.

I'm off to make pancakes!

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