Saturday, November 17, 2007

Aran Poncho ideas

First off - argh! at Blogger for making the sign-in so damn frustrating. I don't have the brain capacity to remember every damn username and password - especially when I'm forced to use letters AND numbers! I don't blog daily, so I don't remember this blasted information!

All I wanted to do was babble about finally finishing up what began life as a shawl - only a thick one, not a lacy one. It started life out as a tree done in a diamond shape, was supposed to have "legs" of cables and vining leafs and it was supposed to be a thick V shaped shawl/wrap type thing.

Well, I could never get the tree right. It curls, it never lays flat and it just bugs me. So I don't want to rip out the other two pieces I have done, they're just fine, but I didn't want to do just a really wide, rather long scarf, so I'm going to rearrange the pieces into a V shaped poncho. I will probably need to buy one more colour to go up the neckline. Although I want to get russet to go with the Autumn colours thing I have going on (other colours are dark green, brown, mustard) and I'm not wild about red (ish) near my head.

I have to do measuring.

I have some cable motifs in mind - currently swatching Barbara Walker's Baroque Cable. I had to completely re-graph the thing though because her graphs confuse me! Is it because I learnt doing cables by graphs from doing an Alice Starmore Aran sweater? Starmore's graph make sense to me.

Duh du jour: I spent two nights graphing out a cable design from a knot design I printed out, only to discover that I basically tweaked a Saxon braid. sigh.

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