Sunday, March 6, 2011


Yay! She liked her handwarmers! And now I'm working on the headband, which is what she really wanted, and I'm not crazy about it. The yarn is yummy, I wouldn't have had enough of the dark grey, so I got a skein of light grey to go with it. Maybe that's why or maybe this pattern just needs some slight variegation? I dunno, it's just boring, but I do hope she likes it. Also, I think it may be wider than she wanted it to be. But, she wanted a button, otherwise I would have made the scrunchy type version I saw at Glenda's. Maybe I'll shoot her a message and ask her if a button is totally necessary.

Finished one Blue Sock and two downloaded books! OK, so they were just short, fluffy paperbacks, but I rather enjoyed being able to read and knit at the same time. Of course, now I need something new to read and I don't know what to go for.

Have decided to wait two days for the new Jasper Fforde Thursday Next book, instead of downloading all the old ones at $12 each. I don't mind paying paperback-ish prices, but that's a bit steep, just to refresh my memory. I found a JF book on the library download thingy, so I'm gonna read that.

I think I may have enough yarn in the light grey to do this pattern. I also think I'd like to add the mock cables in the middle. Maybe. gotta finish it and count rows.

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