I finished Dev's socks last Friday, he promptly put them on and I don't think he's taken them off since. I hope that means that he likes them and he's not merely too lazy to do laundry.
So I'm working on another pair for him. I didn't buy new yarn, I made him pick from the first three balls I could find. He chose the Trekking pro natura denim blue. It's quite nice to knit with, seems a bit thin. I hope it's durable.
I've waffled for a while now about buying an ereader thingy. They just don't seem very book-like. But I've often wondered whether I could knit and read at the same time if I had a book that would stay open and turning pages wasn't too difficult. So I downloaded the Nook and Kindle apps for my Macbook. Someone at the yarn shop had a Nook and I quite liked it and I've played a bit with the Kindle, but didn't like it as much - However, of the two apps I preferred the Kindle app. And so I chose a book, paid for it and downloaded it and less than a minute later was reading the thing. I've gotta say, that part is just awesome. The book is likely in stock at my local Borders and I even have a coupon for that store, but to be able to read the thing right after I ordered it? That was just splendid. And I can knit rather easily while reading off a screen. It wasn't much of a bother to keep bumping the button for the next page either, although I'm doing a sock, so in short time I have to turn my work.
But, it shows promise and for now I'll just stick to using the Macbook. I even took it to bed last night and that wasn't so bad.
Stinky Yarn is still stinky, although it's almost tolerable now. Used the Eucalan (eucalyptus version) and that helped. Hung it outside yesterday and it got it to 'almost tolerable'. It's hanging out again today and it's quite windy, so I hope it gets less stinky and doesn't blow away.
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