And it's actually windy! I think this is the first time in several years that's it's been windy during the first part of March. It's a cliche to say March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb. Well, it hasn't happened that way for at least three years, it's been backwards, and we've had simply awful growing years.
Dare I hope that we have a good gardening year? I'll let ya know in October :)
I still haven't felted that blue purse. Haven't sold the brown one either, but that could be because I'm using it. :)
If I ever get my connection sorted out I'll upload some pics to flickr. The last time I tried it was just disastrous and I have been lax at trying again.
Been grooving to Boston Legal Season One thanks to Netflix. Been knitting Tilted Ladders with Silky Wool and it's just gorgeous. The plan is to make it a rectangular poncho.
Still undecided about what cable to use for the Tree Shawl - the library found me two of the Harmony Stitch Guides, but that half-remembered cable that I think I saw last year isn't in either of the books. :(
I should be copying stuff off my harddrive. I finally ordered Tiger OSX for Angus and as it's the full install, not just an upgrade, well, there's stuff I wanna save.
Maybe later. I'm hungry.
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