Sheesh, it's June already!
I keep getting design ideas, they won't stop hounding me! And if I don't work on them my brain pesters me unmercifully as I'm trying to go to sleep, so that I dream tangled knitting dreams. (which, frankly are no worse than the nonsense my brain typically flings at me, like this morning's bizarreness of a bear cub an ostrich, terrorising the countryside. I attacked the bear with a bread knife and the ostrich was about to peck me when I woke up)
Despite the fact that most of me thinks it's an idiotic idea, part of me keeps thinking that I should write a knitting book. And that's why I keep getting all the design ideas. It's not merely good enough to just design one blanket, no, my brain keeps flinging these designs at me, through headaches, just before I go to sleep... I don't know how to get a book published! I don't even think that many people would be interested! But several people from several boards have shown interest, maybe not in buying a book, but at least in my designs. But I keep feeling like I'm just re-inventing the wheel and why would anyone buy that?
But I am actually writing out a proper pattern - for possibly the first time ever. And I have a notebook and drawings and everything I see twists its way into my skull and tries to become a pattern. (ooh, skulls!) See? :)