I wish I hadn't done 3x3 ribbing - it's stretching a lot as I wear these socks. Plus, I couldn't find a really stretchy cast off and did this sort of sewing method that I think is effective, but sloppy. Also, I should have used size 1 needles, not size 2.
But, Devlin demanded socks for himself, so I let him choose the yarn and I finished one. I like the cast off method/improvisation that I did and perhaps I'll write about that later after I upload some new pics.
I have yummy yarn for socks for myself (it's cotton and bamboo) and size 1 circular needles, after visiting the yarn shop in Centre Hall.
I had a lovely visit with Giabow and Limertilly (from the World's End/Neil Gaiman message board) It was such a wonderful thing to fondle yarn and knit with them. :)